Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Camera

Because the camera script, which accompanies Unity's 3rd Person Controller only allows the camera to be rotated left and right, it means that the player is unable to look around the world, which is essential for the game to function properly. If the player can't see the world around them, how can they assess the best route through the level and recognise obstacles, which they may face?
One option was to swap the 3rd person controller for a first person controller, which allows more freedom for seeing the world. This was better for looking around, however one can no longer see the animation of the character walking up the side of the wall, which really has an effect on the level of immersion.

The next method I used was adding a MouseOrbit script from the Unity standard assets to the camera and the setting the 3rd person controller as a target. Already this felt much nicer as the character could been seen and the mouse could be used to look around the world. One problem with this was that default camera distance was quite far away, so I needed to experiment with the distance variable of the script to get a better view point.
The first distance I tried was 5, which still felt a little bit too far away, so I tried 2, which I felt was much more like how I wanted it to look. Despite this being my preference I would need to return to this in my user testing, to see what other people think.

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