Saturday, 9 April 2011

Rotating an Object around the character

The gravity shift simulation is a huge part of the gaming dynamic and I really wanted to get the basics of the script nailed down straight away.

After searching through Unity Script Reference, I came across the RotateAround function (, which allowed me to rotate one object around the axes of another. Because I am going to rotate the level, rather than the player, or gravity direction this is exctly what I wanted to do. To test the function I created 2 basic game objects, a square and sphere. I then created a small script, which I attached to the sphere, which made it orbit around the cube. Here is the script:

function Update() {
transform.RotateAround (GameObject.Find("Cube").transform.TransformPoint(, Vector3.right, 90 * Time.deltaTime);

To further develop this, I added a quick mockup of a testing ground, consisting of a large cube, with 4 sets of stairs going around the "room". I then added aThird Person Controller from the Unity Standard Assets and assigned a key code to initiate the rotation.

var shiftKey : KeyCode;

function Update() {
if( Input.GetKey( shiftKey) )
//rotate the world around the character, along the x axis
transform.RotateAround (GameObject.Find("3rd Person Controller/Bip001").transform.TransformPoint(, Vector3.right, 90 * Time.deltaTime);

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